
Normalizes the sequence of length codepoints pointed to by buffer in-place (i.e., the result is also stored in buffer).

@param buffer the (native-endian UTF-32) unicode codepoints to re-encode. @param length the length (in codepoints) of the buffer. @param options a bitwise or (|) of one or more of the following flags: - @ref UTF8PROC_NLF2LS - convert LF, CRLF, CR and NEL into LS - @ref UTF8PROC_NLF2PS - convert LF, CRLF, CR and NEL into PS - @ref UTF8PROC_NLF2LF - convert LF, CRLF, CR and NEL into LF - @ref UTF8PROC_STRIPCC - strip or convert all non-affected control characters - @ref UTF8PROC_COMPOSE - try to combine decomposed codepoints into composite codepoints - @ref UTF8PROC_STABLE - prohibit combining characters that would violate the unicode versioning stability

@return In case of success, the length (in codepoints) of the normalized UTF-32 string is returned; otherwise, a negative error code is returned (@ref utf8proc_errmsg).

@warning The entries of the array pointed to by str have to be in the range 0x0000 to 0x10FFFF. Otherwise, the program might crash!

utf8proc_int32_t* buffer
utf8proc_ssize_t length
